Logistics Officer TVET Projects (Kampala but with frequent travel upcountry)

Duration ot the contract: 46 months with a omonth probation period starting preferable In Decerriber 2016.

BTC. the Belgian Development Agency. together with

dmerent Government Ministries. are implementing the

bilateral cooperation between Uganda 3 Belgium. For the project ‘Siaaport tor the implementation at the Skiling

Uganda Strategic Plan at the national level and In several

regions’ we are looking to recruit a Logistics Otfioer.

Mater Roles and fleepenelbllltiee:

e Overal ptamlngoltheprolectectivitiesrelatedto deivery ol lumiture and equipment by suppiers and co-ordlnathg delivery at lurntttire to the beneilclai‘les. projects and consultants;

. controlling quality. time and costs of all project activities related suppllee:

  • Reviewing and recommending tor approval all certificates related to supplies at lumiturs and equipment:

  • Ensuring tinely participation. involvement and deduon maklng by the various stakeholders:

  • Keeping complete administration (both hard and soft copies) oi all project activities related to the supplies:

  • Provide tcdtnlcal irput tor prowrementa done by the project. tor services. supplies and works:

  • Execute aanlnistietlve tasks necessary tor the procurementbythe protect. both relabdtothe Ugandan procurement procedures and the Belgian prowrernent procedures;

  • Execute tasks such as booking at venues tor trainings. and organising transport tor consultants:


  • Degree in Logistics Mmanagement, Procurement. Business Administration:

  • Atleast 5 years of experience preferably In a position that covers administration as well as practical technical logistics (car maintenance. store keeping):

  • Proven experience In hands-on logistics management. including planning. follow-up. contracting and administration pretereble in an International orgaresation or NGO:

  • Proven experience In working with public tendering procedures:

  • Mature. good communicator and team—player. abilly to work with integrity and

  • Good knowledge at office programs (Excel. Word. Outlook…)

  • Able to work under stressful conditions and undertaking lleld missions.

Send in your application not later than Friday. 11’ November before or at 6pm.

Attach a copy of your cv (Resume and application letter plus copies of academic and proffessionall qualification certificates as well at least 3 (Three) recent referees

with their contacts.

Hard copy applications must be earn to the ETC Resident Representative Office. Plot 1B Lower Kololo Terrace.