Logistics Officer TVET Projects (Kampala but with frequent travel upcountry)
Duration ot the contract: 46 months with a omonth probation period starting preferable In Decerriber 2016.
BTC. the Belgian Development Agency. together with
dmerent Government Ministries. are implementing the
bilateral cooperation between Uganda 3 Belgium. For the project ‘Siaaport tor the implementation at the Skiling
Uganda Strategic Plan at the national level and In several
regions’ we are looking to recruit a Logistics Otfioer.
Mater Roles and fleepenelbllltiee:
e Overal ptamlngoltheprolectectivitiesrelatedto deivery ol lumiture and equipment by suppiers and co-ordlnathg delivery at lurntttire to the beneilclai‘les. projects and consultants;
. controlling quality. time and costs of all project activities related suppllee:
Reviewing and recommending tor approval all certificates related to supplies at lumiturs and equipment:
Ensuring tinely participation. involvement and deduon maklng by the various stakeholders:
Keeping complete administration (both hard and soft copies) oi all project activities related to the supplies:
Provide tcdtnlcal irput tor prowrementa done by the project. tor services. supplies and works:
Execute aanlnistietlve tasks necessary tor the procurementbythe protect. both relabdtothe Ugandan procurement procedures and the Belgian prowrernent procedures;
Execute tasks such as booking at venues tor trainings. and organising transport tor consultants:
Degree in Logistics Mmanagement, Procurement. Business Administration:
Atleast 5 years of experience preferably In a position that covers administration as well as practical technical logistics (car maintenance. store keeping):
Proven experience In hands-on logistics management. including planning. follow-up. contracting and administration pretereble in an International orgaresation or NGO:
Proven experience In working with public tendering procedures:
Mature. good communicator and team—player. abilly to work with integrity and
Good knowledge at office programs (Excel. Word. Outlook…)
Able to work under stressful conditions and undertaking lleld missions.
Send in your application not later than Friday. 11’ November before or at 6pm.
Attach a copy of your cv (Resume and application letter plus copies of academic and proffessionall qualification certificates as well at least 3 (Three) recent referees
with their contacts.
Hard copy applications must be earn to the ETC Resident Representative Office. Plot 1B Lower Kololo Terrace.